lunes, 20 de junio de 2011


This is it. The end is here. In barely 2 weeks I will leave indefinitely this country, to go back to my pseudo-nation. Change, ladies and gentlemen is what I seek right now. A great year in a great country, I never thought that Poland would end up being my second home. But the most amazing thing would be how ignorant I was about the country before I came here.
This last post on elektropolska is dedicated to the Polish people, and the Poland they've created and live in. Almost none of  the young people here love this country strong enough, well knows the one that hasn't, how good is to have. Passionate and cold, Polish people knew how to break the soviet government, and I'm afraid that fight spirit is getting lost. But enough with politic critics, I'm sure that no nation in the Europe of peoples counts with such a concept of hospitality, and that was a good lesson for me, he or she who considers himself/herself my friend will be welcome in my country, and by my hand will see and enjoy the land where Aitor's language is still spoken. I invite you to join me in my element!

Now, 2 weeks and a project to finish, friends to meet and preparing for the change.

Do zobaczenia, Polska, będzesz być z mój pamięć! (ale nie musziz płakać, bo bendę wracać! XD XD XD)