martes, 25 de enero de 2011

["Ego sum via veritas et vita"]

Here I am, in library, finally I got up early and I got a place here. I'm now trying to work hard in my project, in order to prepare all for February, because the semester ends, and I have to fulfill objectives. Besides, I feel quite empty this days. Mi mind and my heart are constantly traveling home and coming back. ERASMUS is a incredible experience, but I have to say that once you get used to it, it gets as normal as every life. I was a fool, thinking that this feeling from the beginning was going to stay with me forever. But I regret nothing. This is just another experience for my collection! and as everything else's, it's destiny was bonded to black and white equilibrium.

Yesterday I took a couple of photos at +-3:45. The sun was going to bed already...

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